Andrea Galvani takes wonderfully surreal images as well as other paintings and drawings. The images seem quite comical at first view but the longer the images are looked at they become almost sinister. See more of the work at:
Girard takes photographs of amazing city scenes capturing them at night, catching a atmosphere that is rarely seen. Girard manages to see lighting at its most beautiful transfering this to his photographs. You can see more at:
Sophie Ristelhueber takes large scale landscapes often capturing war torn parts of the country. Focusing on the physical signs of the destruction left behind, almost like focusing on a scar after a wound, the work captures the visible signs of what the violence left behind. See more of the work at:
Leigh Ledare has been photographing amongst other things, her mother, friends and everyday encounters for a few years now. The images range from black and white to colour but each capture Ledare's unique overtly sexual style. See more of the images at:
Probably the most exciting news of the photographic year has to be the release of a series of still images made in collaboration with the musician danger mouse for his album Dark night of the soul in which he sings as well. Like his film work im sure we can expect alot of dark, mysterious images which have a nod at small town america. See more of the work at:
Pat Graham has shot some great bands, among the many of these include Modest Mouse. His collection of modest mouse are now finding there way into print as of the release of zine number 2 of mouse picks is available now through Raen Optics. The first sold out pretty fast so if you want one ild get ordering now check out more of the work at:
Zero 8 are a part of the ntu photoradar festival that is sadly over now but well worth a look if you can find more of their work then do. This group took the idea of portraiture to its widest spectrum and each series is confident in its definition. Eleanor Mayne, Neil Pemberton and Ross Shields, were particularly of interest from Neils documentary of the igloo centre in nottingham to Eleanors challenging of staged conventional portraits to the way Ross's work challenges fashion portraiture. See more of the work at:
Garry Owens shoots a wide variety of things from portraits of girls wearing bunny masks, to road sites at night. There is a sense of hyper reality to the shots with high contrast bleached shots that bring out the detail in the shots. You can see more of the work at:
Japanese photographer Hiromix has been tutored by Naboshi Araki to name just one of the many that have a interest in her. Hiromix uses a simple snapshot style often just using a compact camera to capture unique viewpoints of her life to city scapes to fashion shots. You can see more of the work at:
Sorry for the lack of updates lately spent a busy weekend going round degree shows looking at some fresh talent and got some tight deadlines for my own work, but here we go with some of the stuff Ive seen over the late couple of days. The first being the work of Jade French whose interest with the feminist movement Riot Grrrl has inspired her series 'Riot Grrrl & I' a documentary series of photographs including portraits of those she meets at Riot Grrrl events. Check out more of her work at her site:
More work from the photoradar festival, nottingham trents photography degree show work will be coming soon but to check it out your self visit the site at:
The other day my friend was complaining that I only put naked pictures of old people on my blog so for a change here are some young people. Diana Scheunemann takes a wide range of photographs so of the most interesting though come from her fragmented personnel photo series which sees her capturing the strange moments in her life. To see more of the work go to:
Christina Seely in her series lux investigates the light of different locations spread around different parts of the world. From America to Japan the photographs capture the strange way light can play with its surroundings. To see more of the work visit:
War photographer Tim Hetherington is probably most famous for his sleeping soldiers series in which he captures the quiet most vulnerable moments of the soldiers around him. His work shows a sensitivity to the chaos of fighting see more of the work at: